Colchester Governance Committee Meeting Agenda
Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 7 PM
Colchester Police
Department, Kirker Community Room
835 Blakely Road
I. Call to
II. Agenda
II. Approval of
Minutes of November 14th, 2013
III. Public
Input - Members of the public are welcome
to attend and provide input.
IV. Business
A. Meeting
Schedule for January, February and March
(Consider Proposed Schedule)
B. Final
Review of Selectboard Progress Update for Presentation, December 10 at 6:30 PM
(Consider Revised Version)
C. Fire/Water District Report
(Consider Proposed Format & Timeline for
D. Charter Review
V. Upcoming
Agenda Items (Next Meetings: 12/05 & 12/19)
- Fire / Water Report: Status Update
- Continued Charter Review
- Consideration of One Major Issue
- Other?
V. Adjourn
The Governance
Committee’s Contacts, Charge, Agendas and Minutes are available online at and filed with the Town Clerk. Video recordings of the meetings are
available at
Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 7 PM
Schedule for January, February and March
The proposed
meeting schedule would shift the meetings to the first and third Thursday of
the month.
January 2
January 16
February 6
February 20
March 6
March 20
Action: Motion to
AGENDA ITEM B: Selectboard Progress Report
To be reviewed
at the meeting. Available for
review on Share Drive.
Action: Motion to
AGENDA ITEM C: Fire/Water District Report
Consistent with
the Committee’s charge to consider alternate forms of government, potential
municipal and regional consolidations, and government effectiveness and
accountability, the proposed Fire/Water District Report shall aim to make a
formal recommendation to the Board and community at large on whether or not
consolidation should be pursued.
The proposed
sections are:
-General History of the Fire and Water Districts
Structure & Staffing
-Fire, Water, and Wastewater Service Areas
-Inter-jurisdictional Overlaps: Agreements, Contracts, and Administration
-What Functions Well?
-Where is there Dysfunction?
-To What Extent are the Problems Structural?
-If Consolidation, What are the Various Alternatives
-Which, if any, Alternative Would Address the Structural
Actions: Motion to approve. Assignment of Sections for Rough Draft
AGENDA ITEM D: Review of Charter
At the meeting
of November 14, the Committee agreed to continue review of the
section-by-section review of the Charter, acting upon minor issues and setting
aside major issues to be taken up in-turn. Although a setback, given the volume of material we’ve
digested, consensus was to begin anew with a fresh review.
Actions: Continue
review. Take up minor issues for
approval by section. Set aside
major issues for later consideration.