Manager’s Office
To: Colchester
Selectboard and Governance Committee
From: Dawn H. Francis, Town Manager
Date: January 15, 2014
Re: Selectboard’s Direction on Governance
Committee Priorities
As a follow up
to the Governance Committee report presented at the Selectboard’s December 10th
meeting, the Selectboard met on January 14, 2014 and offer the following as the
prioritized tasks for the Governance Committee to focus on.
Section by section
charter review
- First priority. Clean up the
sections that are in conflict from today’s processes. For example, do we need
to elect a grand juror? Do we need to appoint fence viewers? Do we need to have
a run-off election in a three way race if one candidate does not have 40% or
can the majority rule in a local race? Elections are costly. Must the Town
Manager attend all Selectboard meetings in the event of unforeseen
circumstances or excused absences? Does the Town Meeting have to be held at
7:30 p.m. or should the time be removed so we have the option of starting at 7
p.m.? Should the penalty amount of 8 % for timely tax payment be reduced? The
Department Heads have prepared a number of recommended charter changes that
should be considered and advanced by the Committee. Staff has advised limiting
the number of charter changes to be considered by the voters at one time as the
voters are not in the habit of voting on charter changes so the changes should
be introduced in small increments with the uncontroversial changes that are
more housekeeping in nature acted upon initially.
Local Option Tax – Short
Term Priority/November,
2014 or March 2015 vote. This issue needs a lot of public outreach, education
and discussion and for it to succeed, it must be tied into a definitive project
or use. It is acknowledged that even November, 2014 will be an ambitious time
line given the need to hold hearings beginning in mid-August. The Selectboard
is interested in the Committee providing the specific charter change language
that would be needed to enable a local option tax. The public education,
outreach and discussion for the LOT issue will be under the purview of the
Administration and Selectboard.
Elected or Appointed
Town Clerk/Treasurer- Short Term Priority/November, 2014 or March 2015 vote. The
Selectboard would appreciate the Governance Committee’s input as to whether
this should be an elected or appointed position, whether this issue is viewed as
being controversial in nature and suggested charter change language.
Form Of Government – Off
the Table. From
the discussions we have heard at the Board and Governance Committee level, the
status quo of the Board/Manager form of government seems acceptable at this
Representation – Off the Table. From the discussions we have heard at the Board
and Governance Committee level, the status quo of a five member Selectboard
representing the entire town seems acceptable at this time. The sentiment seems
to be let’s not further divide the community than it already is by virtue of
its size and geography and therefore, wards or voting districts are not needed.
Form of Town Meeting –
Off the Table. From
the discussions we have heard at the Board and Governance Committee level, the
status quo of Australian ballot voting with a Town Meeting the night before
seems acceptable at this time.
Term Limits – Off the
Table. The
system seems to work now without term limits as the last Selectboard election
School – Town
Cooperation – Off the table. The Town and School District are already
cooperating on a number of levels including facilities, communications,
expertise, police resources, etc. Both Boards, as well as the Town Manager and
School Superintendent are committed to working collaboratively.
Roads – Longer Term Priority Before we tackle the issue of private roads, a
good deal of history including how we got to where we are today, how the community
voted in the past as well as a review of costs, legal advice, and the time
available for the staff and Selectboard to deliberate this issue must be considered.
This is a complex issue that will require the evaluation of costs, significant
community outreach and the community dialogue will be robust and voluminous for
the Selectboard and staff.
Water Governance –
Longer Term Priority Some
inroads have been made in improving communications between the Water/Fire
Districts and additional information has been centralized on the town’s website
and in a recent issue of Currently Colchester. The Districts also seem to be
communicating more with one another and the town and there is some potential
for consolidation of the CCVFD and CFD #3. Perhaps this is something that could
be addressed by a commitment of the parties to meet on a more regular basis to
troubleshoot some of the inefficiencies that have recently been identified.
Timing of Charter Change Vote – If there were housekeeping charter
changes ready to be voted on in November of 2014, there is a 3 month lead time
(August 15th) required due to the public hearing notice requirements
for charter amendments required by state statute. Therefore, perhaps the longer
term issues could be addressed in 2015/16. There is not enough time between the
November election and the March election to prepare another group of changes
unless they were all prepared and ready to roll out immediately after the
November vote. The benefit of a November vote would be the Legislature could
approve the charter changes sooner. However, a March vote would still allow for
approval by the Legislature in the same session.
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