Friday, June 12, 2015

May 29th 2015 Minutes - As Approved

May 29th 2015 @ 10:00 a.m.

Present: Curt Taylor, Mickey Palmer, Bud Meyers and David Usher

LCATV was not present. An audio recording was made of the meeting.

1.      Vice-Chair David Usher called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

2.      There was some discussion about finding the most recent version of the charter and collecting important information as to where we were when last we worked on the Charter. David Usher said he would contact Jacob Hemmerick to locate the copy of the Charter that shows changes we had suggested.

3.      Dawn Francis (Colchester Town Manager) joined the meeting at 10:06 and left at 10:30.

4.      Future Meetings: All members voiced a readiness to begin work immediately and regularly. Members decided to meet weekly at 9:00 am on Wednesdays. Curt Taylor said he could not make Wednesday, June 3rd so the next meeting will be June 10th.

5.      New Chair: Because Jacob Hemmerick has resigned from the committee the committee needs a new chair.

                        MOTION by Bud Meyers for David Usher to be the committee’s chair
                        SECONDED by Mickey Palmer
                        APPROVED by unanimous vote.

6.      Potential Issues: David Usher asked what issues we have left to take up. Dawn pointed out that there were issues mentioned by department heads early on that might need revisiting. That information will be located.

a.       Town Clerk: There was interest in trying again to get the Town Clerk/Treasurer as an appointed rather than elected positon. Dawn Francis confirmed that the Selectboard is also interested in the issue being brought up after a couple years.

b.      Community Engagement Process: This includes the use of Front Porch Forum to announce committee agendas and solicit input from the community.

c.       Storm Water Utility: The Town has expressed an interest in creating a Storm Water Utility. Regionalizing such a utility should also be investigated. There are other regionalization initiatives that need attention.

d.      Conflict of Interest: David Usher suggested that the Charter should contain a requirement that the Town have a written conflict of interest policy. This was added as an item to be discussed at future meetings.

e.       Town Manager and the Charter: David Usher suggested we hear from Dawn Francis regarding the Town Manager’s position; what might be changed or not. The Committee agreed.

f.       Snow Plowing of Private Roads: This issue may well be revisited.

g.      Assessor: David Usher raised the issue of the whether or not the assessor can be called upon to fill the quorum of the Lister’s meetings.

h.      Board of Civil Authority: Bud Meyers presented the idea that the Charter should have a clear description of how Property Taxes are appealed. The Charter contains no reference to Board of Civil Authority.

7.      Next Meeting’s Agenda: The Committee decided to deal with the following during the next meeting:
a.       Town Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities
b.      Conflict of Interest in the Charter

8.      MOTION to adjourn by Curt Taylor
SECOND by Mickey Palmer
APPROVED unanimously at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Curt Taylor Secretary,
May 29th 2015 (Draft), June 12th (Final)

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