Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 19 Meeting Agenda

Colchester Governance Committee Meeting Agenda
Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 7 PM
Colchester Police Department, Kirker Community Room
835 Blakely Road

I. Call to Order

II. Agenda Review

III. Administrative Updates
-       Review of Selectboard Progress Update
-       Review of Ongoing Process for Charter Review

IV. Approval of Minutes of December 5, 2013

V. Public Input - Members of the public are welcome to attend and provide input.

VI. Business Items
A. Fire District Recommendation
(Consider Tabled Motion to Join Proposed Language of Last Meeting)
C. Charter Text Concerning the Snowplowing of Some Private Roads
(Consider Alternatives Proposed on Nov. 21st Meeting)
D. Major Issues/Topics for Selectboard Prioritization
(Identify Topics to Forward to Board)

VII. Review/Identify Upcoming Meetings & Agenda Items
01/02 : Section Review of Charter
01/16 :
02/06 :
02/20 :

VIII. Adjourn

The Governance Committee’s Contacts, Charge, Agendas and Minutes are available online at http://colchestergovernance.blogspot.com/.  Video recordings of the meetings are available at www.lcatv.org.

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